
When Sports Teams like the Rams, the Steelers, the Patriots, the Broncos, and even the Raiders needed a new stadium, they had it #DesignedInKC. Cities come to KC for major transportation design and engineering, and for innovative designs for retail and entertainment. Hospitals come to KC for designs that improve patient experiences and outcomes.​

BNIM Symposium


In Kansas City community is everything, so it’s inherent within us to thoughtfully design structures that bring the sense of community we love here around the world. From higher education facilities to hospitals, apartment complexes to single-family homes, grocery stores to gathering spaces, we lead with inspiring designs that bring communities together.

Dairy Farmers of America


When it comes to designing for collaboration, we understand what our clients need because collaboration is engrained in who we are as a design community in Kansas City. We create spaces where people can gather to solve problems and work towards a shared vision.

Dunkin Donuts Park


From seeking connection to our favorite sports team or clothing brand, to a connection to the outdoors or culture, from virtual or physical connection to each other.  Kansas City has the design and construction expertise to connect us to the things we love and need in our lives.

Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center

Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center

AdventHealth Outpatient Health Center

AdventHealth Outpatient Health Center

Children’s Mercy Hospital Research Institute

Children’s Mercy Hospital Research Institute